This offer is worth mentioning because normally you never find a deal like this. To get miles that actually count towards a rank advancement you must either fly on a paid ticket or spend a lot on a credit card that is offering those miles, usually the airline’s own credit card, such as the American Express Delta Credit Card. (My ... Read More »
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Feed Subscription<How The Chase Sapphire Credit Card Saved Us $600
Over the years I have had almost every kind of credit card you can think of.. except Discover Card. I usually value rewards points or airline miles more than a cash back credit card. The reason is a cash back card will only give you about a 1% return while with a miles or rewards card, you can often get ... Read More »
Daily Getaways – Save $25 On Alamo Rental Car
My wife and I are flying back to Seattle in June for a friend’s wedding.. of course our trip is free and we are in First Class. Normally I wouldn’t use my miles for First Class on such a short flight, but flying from Anchorage to Seattle would have either cost us $600/each, 35,000 miles/each for economy class or 45,000 ... Read More »